Sun Damage Treatment

Sun Damage Treatment

How is the sun harmful to humans?

When your skin is exposed to the sun, it's also exposed to harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays that are naturally given off by the sun. These UV rays can cause damage to the skin over time, especially if you have sensitive skin or experience sunburns easily. If you think you may have been overexposed to the sun or have experienced sun damage, check with your trusted Aesthetic Nurse Specialists. Stephanie can examine your skin thoroughly to determine if you've suffered from skin damage due to sun exposure, as well as recommend treatment options that are proven successful in improving your skin's condition.

Can sunburn permanently damage skin?

There are numerous skin treatment options that can heal sun damaged skin. In addition, you can make changes to your day-to-day lifestyle to help improve your skin's appearance and avoid future skin damage.

What does skin damage from the sun look like?

Sun damage to the skin may look different, depending on how long it has been since your skin was exposed. Below are some of the symptoms of sun damage you may notice.

Immediate Sun Damage Symptoms

  • Red skin
  • Flaky skin
  • Sunburned skin
  • Wrinkly skin
  • Scaly skin
  • Dry skin
  • Long-term Sun Damage Symptoms
  • Small bumps on the skin
  • Pink, red, yellow, and/or brown patches of skin
  • Blood vessels that are fragile
  • Deep wrinkles or lines
  • Thick, leathery skin
  • Premature signs of skin aging
  • Symptoms of long-term skin damage could also be a sign of a more serious skin problem in some cases. Make sure you schedule a consultation if you notice any of the above signs of long-term sun damage.

How can you prevent skin cancer?

Skin cancer prevention is extremely important for people of all ages. One bad sunburn significantly increases the risk of skin cancer. Likewise, recurring sun exposure can have a similar effect. Risks can be managed with simple steps, outlined by the Skin Cancer Foundation:

  • void tanning, including tanning beds
  • Avoid sun exposure between 10am and 4pm
  • Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen to prevent the absorption of UVA and UVB light. Sunscreen should be SPF 15 or higher. SPF 30 is ideal for most people.
  • Apply sunscreen properly! Most people do not apply enough. For the face, apply a nickel sized dollop. For the body, a shot-glass. In addition to applying sufficient sunscreen, it is crucial that you re-apply sunscreen every few hours. If you sweat or swim, re-apply after drying off.
  • Use clothing, sunglasses, and hats as additional cover from sunlight.
  • Examine your skin monthly, from head to toe.
  • See Aesthetic Nurse Specialists every year for a professional skin cancer screening.

Since these are customized treatments, specific post-care instructions may vary from patient to patient depending on the technique used during your session.

Avoid excess sunlight, use plenty of sunblock.

Aesthetic Nurse Specialists is the Trusted Authority on Sun Damage Treatments